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Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about AEGIS English and our services.


What does AEGIS mean?  AEGISはなんですか?


An "Aegis" is a protective shield or a covering.  It can also refer to a sense of protection or support, especially from a powerful source. In Greek mythology, the aegis was a shield carried by Zeus, the king of the gods, as a symbol of his power and authority. 


​Does Jeana only work in Miharu? ジーナは、三春町だけで活動していますか?

ジーナは三春で教えていますが、郡山とその周辺地域でも活動ことができます。 オンラインでも教えています。英語やスペイン語を教えたり、コンピュータの問題、ウェブサイトデザイン、スマートフォンの使い方、ソーシャルメディアの手伝いをしたりすることができます。 

While Jeana teaches in Miharu, she also consults and works in Koriyama and surrounding areas.  She also teaches online.    She can teach English conversation, Spanish conversation or help you with computer problems, website design or social media.  


What is IT Consulting? 


Jeana can help you select, install, and maintain software and hardware to support your needs. We will work with you to help you choose the best solution that best fits your needs. We show you how to use new technologies and the Internet to expand your business and social networks.


Can Jeana help me create a website or online blog?

Jeanaは、ウェブサイトのホストと開発ツールを選択するのを手伝い、サイトまたはブログを作成するときは、あなたの横に座ってサポートします。ほとんどのウェブサイトやブログは、約 3 時間で構築できます。
Jeana will help you select a website host and development tool, and then sit beside you while you create your website or blog.  Most blogs or websites can be built in about 3 hours.


What is Jeana's experience in early childhood education and English immersion?

ジーナは、日本北部に英語による浸透型の幼稚園を4つ設立するのを手助けしました。彼女は幼児教育に常に興味を持っており、高校と大学時代に5年間、幼稚園のアシスタント教師として働いていました。日本に移る前に、比較教育の修士号を取得し、幼児外国語浸透に関する研究にも参加しました。また、ワシントンDCのHUDデイケア施設の理事も3年間務めました。彼女は、Miharu ABCキッズの校長を10年間務め、AGORA郡山の責任者を13年間務めました。
Jeana has helped establish 4 English immersion preschools in northern Japan.  She has always been interested in early childhood education and worked as a preschool assistant teacher while in high school and university for 5 years.    Prior to moving to Japan Jeana received a Master's degree in Comparative Education where she also participated in research on early childhood foreign language immersion.  She also served as a board member for the HUD Day Care facility in Washington, DC, for three years.  She served as the Headmistress of Miharu ABC kids for 10 years and head of AGORA Koriyama for 13 years. 


What is Jeana's experience in exchange student placement and advising? 

Before I moved to Japan to teach, I worked for the US Government for over ten years as a placement and advising counselor for foreign students who wanted to study in the United States.   I still assist students, young and old, with finding short and long term study abroad opportunities and homestay programs. I can recommend excellent programs in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia and assist students with applications and pre-departure preparations. 

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